Modify Sun Java System Directory Server look-through limit
When the directory server is installed, the default value is 5000. We can modify this value.
If the user registry contains more entries than the defined look-through limit, then the directory server returns the following status:LDAP_ADMINLIMIT_EXCEEDEDSecurity Verify Access treats this status as an error.Steps
- On the Sun Java™ System Directory Server Console, select the Configuration tab.
- Expand the Data entry.
- Select Database Settings.
- Select the LDBM Plug-in Settings tab.
- In the Look-through Limit field, type the maximum number of entries that we want the server to check in response to the search. Alternatively, type -1 to define no maximum limit. If you bind the directory as the Directory Manager, the look-through limit is unlimited and overrides any settings specified in this field.
Parent topic: LDAP concerns