Set global user policy with Web Portal Manager

We can change global user settings with Web Portal Manager.


  1. Use Web Portal Manager to log in to the domain as a domain administrator.

  2. Click User → Show Global User Policy.
  3. For Max Login Failures, select Unset or Set to set or clear the maximum number of login failures before the account is no longer allowed to participate in the secure domain. If we select Set, either accept the default value of 10 or change the value to a number equal to or greater than zero.
  4. For Disable Time Interval, select Unset, Disable, or Set to set the time, in seconds, or to disable each user account when the maximum number of login failures is exceeded. If we select Set, either accept the default value of 180 seconds or change the value to a number equal to or greater than zero.
  5. For Minimum Password Length, select Unset or Set to set the minimum number of characters required for the password. If we select Set, either accept the default value of eight alphanumeric characters or change the value to a number greater than zero.
  6. For Maximum Password Age, select Unset or Set to set the maximum time that a password can be used before it expires. The maximum password age is relative to the last time the password was changed. If we select Set, either accept the default value of 91 days (91-00:00:00) or change the value to a number greater than zero.
  7. For Minimum Password Alphas, select Unset or Set to set the minimum number of alphabetical characters required in a password. If we select Set, either accept the default value of four alphabetical characters or change the value to a number greater than zero.
  8. For Minimum Password Non-Alphas, select Unset or Set to set the minimum number of non-alphabetic characters required in a password. If we select Set, either accept the default value of one non-alphabetic character or change the value to a number greater than one.
  9. For Max Password Repeated Characters, select Unset or Set to set the maximum number of repeated characters allowed in a password. If we select Set, either accept the default value of two repeated characters or change the value to a number greater than two.
  10. For Password Spaces Allowed, select Unset, Yes, or No to determine whether spaces are allowed in passwords. We can accept the default setting of Unset. We can change the value to Yes to allow spaces in passwords or to No to not allow spaces in passwords.
  11. For Max Concurrent Web Sessions, select Displace, Unset, Unlimited, or Set to set the maximum number of concurrent web sessions to allow. If we select Set, type a number equal to or greater than one. This policy applies only to certain components. A web session is a user session that is maintained by the web security solutions, such as WebSEAL and plug-ins for web servers. Refer to the component administration guides to see Whether this setting is applicable and Whether specific configuration options are required to enforce this policy.
  12. For Account Expiration Date, select Unset, Unlimited, or Set to set the account expiration date. We can accept the default setting of Unset. We can change it to Unlimited or Set.

    If we select Set, type the four-digit year in the Year field.

    Either accept the default value of Jan 01-00:00:00 or change the value to the date and time, specified as Month DD:hh:mm:ss. The hours must be entered using a 24-hour clock (for example, 09 for 9:00 a.m. or 14 for 2:00 p.m.).

  13. For Time of Day Access, select Unset or Set to set the time of day access policy. If we select Set, either accept the default settings or change them.

    You can change these values:

    • Select the days of the week from the choices provided.

    • Select All Day or Between hours of.

      If we select Between hours of, also select the Start Time. The start time format is specified as hours and minutes. The start time is expressed using a 24-hour clock.

      If we select Between hours of, also select the End Time. The end time format is specified as hours and minutes. The end time is expressed using a 24-hour clock.

      If we select Between hours of, also select Local Time or UTC Time. The time zone is local by default; UTC is Coordinated Universal Time.

  14. Click Apply.

Parent topic: Set global user policy