
This stanza entry specifies the set of attributes the caller wants to receive from the azn_decision_access_allowed_ext() function in the permission information attribute list.

permission-info-returned = {attribute1 attribute2 ...}

Set of attributes the caller wants to receive from the azn_decision_access_allowed_ext() function in the permission information attribute list. Before you use this stanza entry and value, read and thoroughly understand the concept in the Authorization C API Developer Reference.

We can also define our own attributes. For example, we can set an attribute on an ACL with the acl modify command with the set attribute option.

When we add an attribute name to the list, the attribute can be returned only as permission information if it is applicable to the current decision call.


For a list of the strings recognized by the authorization engine, see Authorization C API Developer Reference.



Default value

No information is returned.


The following example returns permission information for all attributes in the list:
permission-info-returned = azn_perminfo_all_attrs

Parent topic: [aznapi-configuration] stanza