ISAM authorization service overview

We can integrate Security Verify Access into existing and emerging infrastructures to provide a secure, centralized policy management capability. The authorization service, together with resource managers, provides a standard authorization mechanism for business network systems.

The ISAM authorization service is illustrated in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Security Verify Access server components
Artwork displaying WPM, <a href=policy server, user registry, master authorization database, authorization server, and replica authorization database.">

Existing applications can take advantage of the authorization service. An authorization policy is based on user or group roles. It can be applied to network servers, individual transactions, database requests, specific web-based information, management activities, and user-defined objects.

The authorization API allows existing applications to call the authorization service, which bases its decision on the corporate security policy. For information about the authorization API, see ISAM authorization API.

The ISAM authorization service is also extensible. It can be configured to call on other authorization services for additional processing using the external authorization service plug-in interface. The authorization service provides the following benefits:

Parent topic: Authorization: conceptual model