Set a Quality of Protection level

The Quality of Protection POP attribute specifies what level of data protection is required when doing an operation on an object.

The Quality of Protection POP attribute permits a single transaction where the yes response to the ACL decision also includes the required Quality of Protection level. If the resource manager cannot guarantee the required level of protection, the request is denied. Use the following pop modify command syntax to modify the QoP level for an object:

pdadmin sec_master> pop modify pop-name set qop {none|integrity|privacy}

QoP level Description
none Requires no Quality of Protection.
privacy Data encryption is required for Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).
integrity Use some mechanism to ensure the data is not changed.

For example, to modify the POP named poptest1 to set the Quality of Protection level to use SSL data encryption, enter the following command:

pdadmin sec_master> pop modify poptest1 set qop privacy

Parent topic: Configure POP attributes