Diagnostics and auditing

ISAM provides ways to collect events we can use for diagnostic and auditing purposes of the servers.

Events for diagnostics and auditing pertain to the operations of the ISAM servers. These events do not pertain to the installation of these servers.

To enable diagnostics and auditing, we define which types of events to capture. When events are captured, they can be written to log files. Events can also be written to the standard output (STDOUT) device, to the standard error (STDERR) device, or to a combination of these destinations. Beyond these destinations, when events are captured, they can be redirected to a remote server or redirected for processing to an application that uses log agents.

During the installation of the ISAM servers, the installation logs capture all messages for that specific installation. When using a native installation, the installation uses the operating system logs. For information about installation logs, see the IBM Security Verify Access for Web: Troubleshooting Guide.

Parent topic: Verify Access Platform and Supporting Components administration