Configuration file stanza reference
Within configuration files, stanza labels occur within brackets, such as [stanza-name].
For example, the [ssl] stanza in the ivmgrd.conf configuration file defines the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) configuration settings for the policy server. The [ldap] stanza defines the configuration settings required by the policy server to communicate with an LDAP-based user registry. Each stanza in an ISAM configuration file contains one or more key value pairs. The pairs contain information that is expressed as a paired set of parameters. Each stanza entry is a key-value pair in the following format:
key = valueDo not change the names of the keys in the configuration files. Changing the name of the key might cause unpredictable results in the servers. Spaces surrounding the equal sign (=) are typically used, but are not required.
The initial installation of ISAM establishes many of the default values. Some values are static and never change; other values can be modified to customize server functionality and performance.
The following stanza descriptions provide a list of the valid stanza entries. Each stanza entry consists of key value pairs. Each stanza entry includes a description of its default behavior, when applicable.
- [aznapi-admin-services] stanza
- [aznapi-configuration] stanza
- [aznapi-cred-modification-services] stanza
- [aznapi-entitlement-services] stanza
- [aznapi-external-authzn-services] stanza
- [aznapi-pac-services] stanza
- [configuration-database] stanza
- [delegated-admin] stanza
- [domains] and [domain=domain_name] stanzas
- [ivacld] stanza
- [ivmgrd] stanza
- [ldap] stanza
- [ldap] stanza for ldap.conf
- [manager] stanza
- [meta-info] stanza
- [pdconfig] stanza
- [pdaudit-filter] stanza
- [pdrte] stanza
- [ssl] stanza
- [xmladi-attribute-definitions] stanza
Parent topic: Verify Access Platform and Supporting Components administration