Example: ADI from entitlement data

This example shows how a rule works on data that is in the authorization credential. It evaluates the following attributes:

Each of the xsl:when statements are evaluated. The first statement with conditions that are all true returns a result. Each condition tested has a comment that explains its action.
<!-- Example choose rule -->

  <!-- Explicitly allow if the requesting user is myuser0 -->
  <xsl:when test="azn_cred_principal_name = 'myuser0'">

  <!-- Explicitly deny if the requesting user is myuser1 -->
  <xsl:when test="azn_cred_principal_name = 'myuser1'">

  <!-- Explicitly allow if the requesting user's LDAP DN  -->
  <!-- is the same as that specified   -->

  <xsl:when test="azn_cred_registry_id = 'cn=myuser3,secAuthority=Default'">

  <!-- This rule permits access to any user who is a member of mygroup1 -->
  <!-- but is not a member of mygroup2     -->

  <xsl:when test="azn_cred_groups = 'mygroup1' 
    and not (azn_cred_groups = 'mygroup2')">


The fourth xsl:when statement uses the not() function to negate the Boolean result of the following test:

azn_cred_groups = 'mygroup2'
The not() function is used instead of the valid authorization rule operator != operator because, in this case, the azn_cred_groups attribute is a multi-valued attribute. Multi-valued attributes like azn_cred_groups return a set of values, referred to as a node-set in XSL, to be tested by the condition. Each node value in the set is tested against the condition individually and !TRUE! is returned if any of the conditions evaluate to true. In any case, where the user is in more than one group, other than mygroup2, the result of the node test is always !TRUE!. To test the nonexistence of something in a node-set, use the not() function instead of the != operator. For example, we can test the condition group is mygroup2 is not true.

Parent topic: Examples of authorization rules