Audit XML output elements
This table describes the XML output elements that are possible using the default ISAM DTD elements. If we create our own DTD, each element represent the events that we selected and extracted according to our own criteria.
Element Description Example <event>
</event>Audit event. Each auditing event captures the result of an action. A principal attempts an action on a target object. The event element can include the following elements:
- date
- outcome
- originator
- accessor
- target
- resource_access (for resource access events)
- authntype (for authentication events)
- terminationinfo (for authentication terminate events)
- data
Because ISAM auditing uses a standard record format, not all elements are relevant to each event that is recorded. Fields that are not relevant for a particular event might contain a default value. The event element can include the following attribute:
- rev
<event rev="1.2"> <date>2003-11-14-16:25:08.341+00:00I-----</date> <outcome status="0">0</outcome> ... </event>
</date>Current date and timestamp. The date element has the following format:
yyyy-mm-dd Relates to the year (yyyy), the month (mm), and the day (dd). hh:mm:ss Relates to hours (hh), minutes (mm), and seconds (ss). xxx-xx:xxI Refers to the time zone.
<event rev="1.2"> <date>2005-11-14-16:25:08.341+00-----</date> ... </event>
</outcome>Outcome of the event.
0 Success 1 Failure 2 Pending 3 Unknown The following information is captured in a common format header of the audit record:
- The outcome.
- The action.
- The credentials for the principal.
- The target object.
This element can include the following attributes:
- status
- reason
For information about the contents of the status attribute, use the errtext command. The command provides the error message associated with the status code (320938184) of a failed event. If the error is not identified by the errtext command, the error did not originate in ISAM.
Successful event: <event rev="1.2"> ... <outcome status="0">0</outcome> ... </event>Failed event:
<outcome status="320938184" reason="authenticationFailure"> 1 </outcome>
</originator>Server that originated the event being logged. The originator element can include the following elements:
- component
- event_id
- action
- location
The originator element can include the following attributes:
- blade
- instance
The blade attributes represents the server that originated the event. For example, pdmgrd is the ISAM policy server, webseald is the ISAM WebSEAL server. The instance attribute applies to WebSEAL and represents the name of the instance.
<event rev="1.2"> ... <originator blade="webseald"> <component rev="1.4">authn</component> <event_id>101</event_id> <action>0</action> <location></location> </originator> ... </event>
</component>Audit events, categorized by the server functionality that generates them. Some functionality is common across ISAM servers while other functionality is server-specific.
authz or azn Captures authorization events. authn Captures authentication events. mgmt Captures management events. http Captures WebSEAL HTTP events.
The component element can contain the rev attribute.
<originator blade="webseald"> <component rev="1.4">authn</component> <event_id>101</event_id> <action>0</action> <location></location> </originator>
</event_id>The category of the event ID.
101 Login 102 Password change 103 Logout 104 Authenticate 105 Step-up 106 Re-authentication 107 Credentials refresh 108 Authorization check 109 Resource access 110 Get credentials 111 Modify credentials/combine credentials 112 Get credentials from pac 113 Get pac 114 Get entitlements 115 Runtime start 116 Runtime stop 117 Runtime audit start 118 Runtime audit stop 119 Runtime audit level change 120 Runtime statistic 121 Runtime heartbeat up 122 Runtime heartbeat down 123 Runtime lost contact 124 Runtime contact restored 125 Runtime monitor 126 Switch-user login 127 Switch-user logout
<originator blade="webseald"> <component rev="1.4">authn</component> <event_id>101</event_id> <action>0</action> <location></location> </originator>
</action>Audit record action code, which can be for one of the following groups of events:
Authentication or authorization events Audit records for authentication or authorization events contain one of the following event action codes:
0 Authentication or authorization events 1 Change password events 2 WebSEAL events
Management events Audit records for management events contain an action code that identifies the pdadmin utility. For example, the <action>13702</action> action code relates to the POP_MODIFY action for the pop modify command. A common format header of the audit record captures information about:
- The action.
- The credentials of the principal.
- The target object.
- The outcome.
<originator blade="webseald"> <component rev="1.4">authn</component> <event_id>101</event_id> <action>0</action> <location></location> </originator>
</location>The host name (location) of the machine. If there is no host name specified, a notation of location not specified is substituted in the location element. <originator blade="webseald"> <component rev="1.4">authn</component> <event_id>101</event_id> <action>0</action> <location></location> </originator>
... </accessor>The name of the user that caused the event. If there is no user name specified, a notation of name="user not specified" or name="" is substituted in the accessor element. The accessor element can include the following elements:
- principal
- name_in_rgy (for authenticated users)
- session_id (for authenticated users)
- principal
- user_location
- user_location_type
Unauthenticated user: <event rev="1.2> ... <accessor name="unauthenticated"> <principal auth="IV_UNAUTH_V3.0" domain="Default"> testuser2 </principal> <user_location></user_location> <user_location_type>IPV4</user_location_type> </accessor> ... </event>
Authenticated user:
<event rev="1.2> ... <accessor name=""> <principal auth="IV_LDAP_V3.0" domain="Default"> testuser2 </principal> <name_in_rgy> cn=testuser1,dc=ibm,dc=com </name_in_rgy> <session_id> e005ba3-34ed-11da-a016-00096bc369d </session_id> <user_location></user_location> <user_location_type>IPV4</user_location_type> </accessor> ... </event>
</principal>User authorization credentials. Generally each event captures the result of an action that a user (principal) attempts on a target object. If there is no user name specified, a notation of auth="invalid" is substituted in the principal element. The principal element can contain the following attributes:
- auth
- domain
To determine the actual authentication method, use the data in the authntype element. A common format header of the audit record captures information about:
- The credentials of the principal.
- The action.
- The target object.
- The outcome.
<accessor name=""> <principal auth="IV_LDAP_V3.0" domain="Default"> testuser2 </principal> <name_in_rgy> cn=testuser1,dc=ibm,dc=com </name_in_rgy> <session_id> e005ba3-34ed-11da-a016-00096bc369d </session_id> <user_location></user_location> <user_location_type>IPV4</user_location_type> </accessor>
</name_in_rgy>The name in the registry for the user. <accessor name=""> <principal auth="IV_LDAP_V3.0" domain="Default"> testuser2 </principal> <name_in_rgy> cn=testuser1,dc=ibm,dc=com </name_in_rgy> <session_id> e005ba3-34ed-11da-a016-00096bc369d </session_id> <user_location></user_location> <user_location_type>IPV4</user_location_type> </accessor>
</session_id>The session ID associated with this session. This ID can be used to trace a series of events back to the authentication data that was initially provided by the user. For example, the data in the session_id element could be used to determine when a user logged in and when a user logged out. <accessor name=""> <principal auth="IV_LDAP_V3.0" domain="Default"> testuser2 </principal> <name_in_rgy> cn=testuser1,dc=ibm,dc=com </name_in_rgy> <session_id> e005ba3-34ed-11da-a016-00096bc369d </session_id> <user_location></user_location> <user_location_type>IPV4</user_location_type> </accessor>
</user_location>The IP address in IPv4 or IPv6 format. <accessor name=""> <principal auth="IV_LDAP_V3.0" domain="Default"> testuser2 </principal> <name_in_rgy> cn=testuser1,dc=ibm,dc=com </name_in_rgy> <session_id> e005ba3-34ed-11da-a016-00096bc369d </session_id> <user_location></user_location> <user_location_type>IPV4</user_location_type> </accessor>
</user_location_type>The format of the data in the user_location element. Values are:
- IPV4
- IPV6
<accessor name=""> <principal auth="IV_LDAP_V3.0" domain="Default"> testuser2 </principal> <name_in_rgy> cn=testuser1,dc=ibm,dc=com </name_in_rgy> <session_id> e005ba3-34ed-11da-a016-00096bc369d </session_id> <user_location></user_location> <user_location_type>IPV4</user_location_type> </accessor>
</target>Target information. The target element can include the following elements:
- object
- object_nameinapp
- process
- azn
The target element includes the resource attribute, which represents a broad categorization of the target object:
<target resource="7"> <object></object> </target><target resource="3"> <object>IV_LDAP_V3.0:sec_master</object> </target>
</object>Target object. Authorization audit records can be captured when a target object in the policy database (protected object space) has a POP attached to it. The POP must enable audit functionality. For example: <object>/Management</object>A common format header of the audit record captures information about:
- The target object.
- The action.
- The user credentials.
- The outcome.
<target resource="3"> <object>IV_LDAP_V3.0:sec_master</object> </target>
</azn>Authorization service information. The authorization service:
- Checks the access permissions on the target requested object.
- Compares these access permissions with the capabilities of the requesting user.
- perm
- result
- qualifier
<target resource="3"> ... <azn> <perm>64</perm> <result>0</result> <qualifier>0</qualifier> </azn> ... </target>
</perm>Set of controls (permissions) that specifies the conditions necessary to complete certain operations on that resource. The permission can be specified in this element by using either the binary number such as <perm>64</perm> or the letters for the specified action permissions such as <perm>Tr</perm>. <target resource="3"> ... <azn> <perm>64</perm> <result>0</result> <qualifier>0</qualifier> </azn> ... </target>
</result>Results of the authorization service check. <target resource="3"> ... <azn> <perm>64</perm> <result>0</result> <qualifier>0</qualifier> </azn> ... </target>
<qualifier> ... </qualifier>
Qualifier information. <target resource="3"> ... <azn> <perm>64</perm> <result>0</result> <qualifier>0</qualifier> </azn> ... </target>
</process>Type of process. The process element can include the following elements:
- pid (process ID)
- uid (user ID)
- eid (effective user ID)
- gid (group ID)
- egid (effective group ID)
The process element includes the architecture attribute, which is one of the following values:
0 For AIX, Linux, and Solaris operating systems. 1 For Windows operating systems.
<process architecture="0"> ... <pid></pid> </process>
<egid></egid>The identifier of the process, which is contained in one of the following elements:
pid Process ID eid Effective user ID uid User ID gid Group ID egid Effective group ID
<process architecture="0"> ... <pid>3899</pid> </process>
</policy>The security policy information. The policy element can include the following elements:
- name
- type
- descr
<policy> <name>real-traders-only</name> <type>rule</type> </policy>
<name> ... </name>
Name of the policy attribute that we want to audit. The name matches the name that you specified in a list of attributes in the [aznapi-configuration] stanza of the appropriate configuration file. For example: [aznapi-configuration] audit-attribute = real-traders-only <policy> <name>real-traders-only</name> <type>rule</type> </policy>
</type>Type of security policy being audited. The type element can contain the following values:
- rule
<policy> <name>traders-pop</name> <type>POP</type> </policy>
</descr>Description of the security policy. This element is empty if no description was created for the policy. <policy><name>traders-acl</name> <type>ACL</type> <descr>traders that have ACL security policies</descr> </policy>
</attribute>Container for the characteristics of the access decision information (ADI) attribute to audit. An attribute can establish accountability by providing information to help identify potentially inappropriate access of assets. We can grant or deny access based on rules applied to attributes. The attribute element can include the following elements:
- name
- source
- type
- value
<attribute> <name>tagvalue_su-admin</name> <source>cred</source> <type>string</type> <value>test_customer_service_rep_1</value> </attribute>
</name>Name of the ADI to audit. This ADI can be for auditing either a user credential if for the authn component or an app_context if for an azn component. The name of the authorization attribute matches the name that you specified in a list of attributes in the [aznapi-configuration] stanza of the appropriate configuration file. [aznapi-configuration] audit-attribute = AZN_CRED_AUTH_METHOD
<attribute> <name>AZN_CRED_AUTH_METHOD</name> <source>credADI</source> <type>string</type> <value>su-forms</value> </attribute>
</source>The source event. The source element can contain one of the following values:
cred Applies to any ISAM component. app Applies only to an authorization (azn) component. credADI Applies only to the authorization (azn) component when evaluating a Boolean rule. appADI Applies only to the authorization (azn) component when evaluating a Boolean rule. engineADI Applies only to the authorization (azn) component when evaluating a Boolean rule. dynADI Applies only to the authorization (azn) component when evaluating a Boolean rule.
If the ADI attribute is multi-valued, a separate attribute element is written for each value.
<attribute> <name>AZN_CRED_AUTH_METHOD</name> <source>credADI</source> <type>string</type> <value>su-forms</value> </attribute>
</type>Type of security policy being audited. The type element can contain one of the following values:
- string
- ulong
- pobj
If <type>pobj</type>, the value is the name of the protected object.
<attribute> <name>AZN_CRED_AUTH_METHOD</name> <source>credADI</source> <type>string</type> <value>su-forms</value> </attribute>
</value>Value for the aznAPI attribute. If the ADI attribute is multi-valued, then a separate attribute element is written for each value. <attribute> <name>AZN_CRED_AUTH_METHOD</name> <source>credADI</source> <type>string</type> <value>su-forms</value> </attribute>
</resource_access> <event rev="1.2"> ... <resource_access> <action>httpRequest</action> <httpurl>HTTP://</httpurl> <httpmethod>GET</httpmethod> <httpresponse>200</httpresponse> </resource_access> ... </event>
</action> <event rev="1.2"> ... <resource_access> <action>httpRequest</action> <httpurl>HTTP://</httpurl> <httpmethod>GET</httpmethod> <httpresponse>200</httpresponse> </resource_access> ... </event>
</httpurl> <event rev="1.2"> ... <resource_access> <action>httpRequest</action> <httpurl>HTTP://</httpurl> <httpmethod>GET</httpmethod> <httpresponse>200</httpresponse> </resource_access> ... </event>
</httpmethod> <event rev="1.2"> ... <resource_access> <action>httpRequest</action> <httpurl>HTTP://</httpurl> <httpmethod>GET</httpmethod> <httpresponse>200</httpresponse> </resource_access> ... </event>
</httpresponse> <event rev="1.2"> ... <resource_access> <action>httpRequest</action> <httpurl>HTTP://</httpurl> <httpmethod>GET</httpmethod> <httpresponse>200</httpresponse> </resource_access> ... </event>
</authntype>The type of authentication the user completed. The following strings are authentication types that are associated with WebSEAL and Plug-in for Web Servers:
itamFailoverCookie Failover cookie itamCDSSO WebSEAL or Plug-in for Web Servers authentication using cross domain single-sign on (CDSSO) itamECSSO WebSEAL or Plug-in for Web Servers authentication using e-Community single-sign on (ECSSO) certificate SSL certificate authentication twoFactor WebSEAL or Plug-in for Web Servers using token authentication formsPassword Password authentication using an HTML form basicAuthRFC2617 Password authentication using HTTP Basic Authentication (BA) passwordOther Password authentication using an undetermined mechanism itamHTTPHeader WebSEAL or Plug-in for Web Servers using HTTP header authentication itamIPAddress WebSEAL or Plug-in for Web Servers using IP address-based authentication kerberos WebSEAL or Plug-in for Web Servers using SPNEGO authentication itamEAI WebSEAL or Plug-in for Web Servers using external authentication interface (EAI) authentication itamIVCreds Plug-in for Web Servers authentication using the IV_CREDS header itamIVUser Plug-in for Web Servers authentication using the IV_USER header tokenLTPA Plug-in for Web Servers authentication using a lightweight third-party authentication (LTPA) token ntlm Plug-in for Web Servers using NTLM authentication itamWebServerAuthentication Plug-in for Web Servers authentication provided by the hosting Web server
<event rev="1.2"> ... <authntype>formsPassword</authntype> ... </event>
... </terminateinfo>Contains information about why a session ended. The terminateinfo element contains the terminatereason element. <event rev="1.2"> ... <terminateinfo> <terminatereason>userLoggedOut</terminatereason> </terminateinfo> ... </event>
</terminatereason>The reason why the session ended. The following values are possible:
idleTimeout The session timed out because the user was inactive. sessionExpired The session timed out because the user was logged in for too long. sessionDisplaced The session ended because another user with the same user ID logged in. sessionTerminatedByAdmin The session ended because an administrator logged out the user. userLoggedOut The session ended because the user logged out. reathLockOut The session ended because the user did not authenticate again.
<terminateinfo> <terminatereason>userLoggedOut</terminatereason> </terminateinfo>
</data>Event-specific data. The data element can contain the audit element. Additional event-specific information is recorded in a free format data area at the end of the event record. For failed authentication attempts, Data output for errors provides details about the data information that is returned. Decoding the meaning of certain data values in the record might require an advanced knowledge of the ISAM code and architecture. Command arguments are listed in the data element of the event record in their internal format. Commands that do not result in an effective state change (list and show) are never captured.
<event> ... <data> POST /pkmspasswd.form HTTP/1.1 0 Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0) </data> </event>
<data> "2019" "1002" "pop1" "0" "" </data>
<audit/> Beginning and ending of an audit event. Event attribute can be:
- Start
- Stop
<event rev="1.2"> ... <data> <audit event="Start"/> </data> </event> ... <event rev="1.2"> ... <data> <audit event="Stop"/> </data> </event>
Parent topic: XML output of native audit events