Additional information about the outcome.
Any arbitrary string.
The outcome element contains the failureReason element. The values for the failureReason elements are event-specific. The following strings are some of the suggested values:
- accountDisabled
- User's account has been disabled.
- accountDisabledRetryViolation
- Retry maximum has been violated for authentications that are not valid. The account has been disabled in the registry.
- accountExpired
- User account has expired.
- accountLockedOutMaxLoginFail
- User account has been temporarily locked out due to too many failed login attempts. Lock time interval has not elapsed.
- accountLockedOutRetryViolation
- Invalid authentication retry maximum has been violated. The account has been temporarily locked out.
- accountMaxInactiveElapsed
- Maximum inactive days has elapsed for the account.
- accountUnlocked
- User account was unlocked because lock time interval has elapsed.
- authenticationFailure
- Authentication failed. Use this value when we do not have a more specific value for this audit element.
- certificateFailure
- A client certificate could not be authenticated.
- invalidUserName
- The supplied user name does not exist in the registry.
- invalidUserPassword
- The password associated with the given user name is incorrect.
- mappingFailure
- The login data entered could not be mapped to an application-specific user.
- nextToken
- Next token required for authentication.
- passwordChangeMaxIntervalElapsed
- Maximum time interval since last password change has elapsed.
- passwordChangeMinIntervalUnexpired
- Minimum time interval required between password changes has not elapsed.
- passwordContainOld
- Password contains the old password or is contained in the old password.
- passwordExpired
- The user's password has expired and no further grace logins remain.
- passwordFirstLastNumeric
- Password contains a numeric first or last character.
- passwordMaxCharOld
- Password exceeds the allowed number of consecutive characters that are common with the previous password.
- passwordMaxRepeated
- Password exceeds the maximum allowed number of repeated characters.
- passwordMinAlphabetic
- Password does not contain the required minimum number of alphabetic characters.
- passwordMinAlphabeticLower
- Password does not contain the required minimum number of lowercase characters.
- passwordMinAlphabeticUpper
- Password does not contain the required minimum number of uppercase characters.
- passwordMinAlphanumeric
- Password does not contain the required minimum number of alphanumeric characters
- passwordMinNumeric
- Password does not contain the required minimum number of numeric characters.
- passwordMinSpecial
- Password does not contain the required minimum number of special characters.
- passwordNumCharViolation
- Password does not contain the required number of characters.
- passwordOldReused
- Password is a recently used old password.
- passwordUserName
- Password contains the user name or is contained in the user name.
- pinRequired
- A PIN must be assigned to enable account.
- policyAllowedAccess
- All login policy checks permitted access.
- policyViolation
- Login rejected due to policy violation.
- policyViolationMaxLoginsReached
- Login rejected because maximum number of concurrent logins reached.
- policyViolationTOD
- Authentication denied at this time of the day.
- tokenExpired
- The lifetime for the token has expired.
- tokenNotSupported
- The given token is not a supported type.
- tokenNotInValidFormat
- The given token was not in the expected format or was corrupted.
- tokenNotValidYet
- The token is not valid yet.
- tokenSignatureValidationFailed
- The signature for the token was not valid.
- usernameMismatch
- In the case of reauthentication or stepUp authentication, the given user name does not match the current user name.
When a suggested value is not available, use the string Unknown Failure Reason.
CommonBaseEvent/extendedDataElements[@name='outcome']/children [@name='failureReason']/values
Parent topic: Reference information about elements and element types