Configuration file stanza reference
Within configuration files, stanza labels are shown within brackets, such as [stanza-name]. For example, the [ssl] stanza in the ivmgrd.conf configuration file defines the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) configuration settings for the policy server. The [ldap] stanza defines the configuration settings required by the policy server to communicate with an LDAP-based user registry. Each stanza in an ISAM configuration file contains one or more key value pairs, which contain information that is expressed as a paired set of parameters. Each stanza entry is a key-value pair in the following format:
key = value
We must not change the names of the keys in the configuration files. Changing the name of the key might cause unpredictable results in the servers. The spaces that surround the equal sign (=) are not required.
The initial installation ISAM establishes many of the default values. Some values are static and never change; other values can be modified to customize server functionality and performance.
The following stanza descriptions provide a list of the valid stanza entries. Each stanza entry consists of key value pairs. Each stanza entry includes a description of its default behavior, when applicable.
- [aznapi-configuration] stanza
- [logging] stanza
- [pdaudit-filter] stanza
Parent topic: Configuration stanzas