Store the IBM Security Verify Access operations for managing Access Control Policies

The IBM Security Verify Access administrator credentials are required for all of the API Access Control configuration tasks. Rather than providing them for each task individually they need to instead be stored once.


  1. In the appliance top menu, Web > API Access Control > Policies or Resources

    • If the credentials are not already set, a dialog box is shown prompting for the username and password. Proceed to Step 3.

    • If the credentials are already set and need to be updated, proceed to Step 2.

  2. Click the Set Credentials button on the toolbar to launch the dialog box.

  3. Enter the username and password.

  4. Optional: Enter the domain. If not specified, the domain is set to Default.

  5. Click Save. The credentials are stored in memory for the life of the API Access Control servlet. The password is obfuscated.

Parent topic: API Access Control