Manage authentication mechanisms

Authentication mechanisms determine conditions that successfully authenticate a user. We can view, add, modify, and delete authentication mechanisms.


  1. Log in to the local management interface.
  2. Click AAC.
  3. Under Policy, click Authentication.

  4. Click Mechanisms.
  5. Perform any of the following actions:
    Add an authentication mechanism:
    The Add button is not enabled if no custom authentication mechanism is imported in the appliance.

    1. Click the Add drop-down button.
    2. Select your authentication mechanism type.
    3. Complete the fields in the General tab.

    4. Click the Properties tab.
      1. Select a property that we want to configure.

      2. Click Modify.
      3. Enter the value for that property.

      4. Click OK.

    5. Save and deploy the changes.
    Modify an authentication mechanism:
    1. Select the authentication mechanism that we want to modify.

    2. Click Modify.
    3. Modify the authentication mechanism properties.
      1. Select a property that we want to configure.

      2. Click Modify.
      3. Enter the value for that property.

      4. Click OK.

    4. Save and deploy the changes.
    Delete a custom authentication mechanism:
    The Delete button is not enabled when we select a predefined authentication mechanism. We cannot delete predefined authentication mechanisms.
    1. Select an authentication mechanism from the list. To select multiple authentication mechanisms, press and hold the Ctrl key and select several authentication mechanisms.

    2. Click Delete. A message prompts us to confirm the deletion.

    3. Click Delete.

    4. Save and deploy the changes.

What to do next

We can use your authentication mechanism in the authentication policy. See Manage authentication policies.

Parent topic: Authentication policies