Install the virtual appliance by using XenAPI or xe command line
The virtual appliance can be installed using the XenAPI or xe command line.
ISAM provides a sample python script that utilizes the xe command line utility to deploy the appliance. This script can be obtained from the appliance File Downloads page. We can examine this script to determine the steps for deploying the appliance.
At a high level, the script has two main steps:
- Create a template. This step uploads the VHD to XenServer and creates a VM template from the VHD. The Xen Web Service used to upload the image file requires the image to be in RAW or a more efficient proprietary XenServer chunked format. We must convert the VHD image file to a supported image format before uploading it to the XenServer. The script provides an option to perform this conversion.
- Deploy a template. This step creates an instance of the appliance from the template that was created in the previous step.
- In the local management interface of the appliance, select System > Secure Settings > File Downloads.
- Expand Common > Sample > Deploy.
- Select the file.
- Click Export to save the file to your local drive.
- Examine the script to determine the steps to deploy and run the virtual appliance. Help on the script can be obtained by running the following command:
python --help
- Supported python versions are 2.79 and 3.4.3.
- This script has a dependency on the requests and pexpect modules.
- This script is not supported on the Windows platform.
- Modify the script as needed.
Parent topic: XenServer support