Delete one or all existing CORS policies

To delete one or all existing API Access Control CORS policies with the local management interface, use the API Access Control CORS policies page.


  1. In the appliance top menu, Web > API Access Control > CORS Policies.

  2. To delete all existing policies, click Delete without selecting a policy from the list. This opens a confirmation dialog.

    1. Confirm the deletion by clicking the Delete button.
    2. Cancel the deletion by clicking the Cancel button.

  3. To delete one existing policy, select the policy to from the list and click the Delete button. This opens a confirmation dialog.

    1. Confirm the deletion by clicking the Delete button.
    2. Cancel the deletion by clicking the Cancel button.

    • Delete a CORS policy results in all the API Access Control resource CORS policy references being deleted also. This means the reverse proxy configuration files are updated to remove the CORS policy stanzas for the deleted policies.

    • To view a list of all of the internal Verify Access operations that are run to create a new CORS policy see the api_access_control.log as described in Audit the Verify Access operations performed when managing API Access Control components.

Parent topic: Manage Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) Policies