Set up Cloud Orchestrator support

The virtual appliance has basic support for Cloud Orchestrator as imported KVM virtual images. It is possible to run the appliance within a Cloud Orchestrator environment and use it to perform basic virtual image management tasks.

Consider these limitations setting up Cloud Orchestrator support:

To use the virtual appliance as an imported virtual image within a Cloud environment, use the following high-level procedure. See the IBM Cloud Orchestrator Knowledge Center.


  1. Create a KVM virtual machine image and install the appliance firmware. After the installation is complete, remove the installation media and shutdown the machine. Do not go through the first steps wizard before you deploy the image in the cloud. See Install the virtual appliance by using KVM for more detailed instructions.

  2. Import the virtual image to the Cloud Orchestrator Virtual Image Library.

  3. In the Virtual Image Library, check out the image to an operational repository in the KVM region where we plan to deploy the appliance.
  4. Use OpenStack to deploy the virtual image within this KVM region. For example, to deploy the virtual image from the command line, perform these steps on the KVM region server:

    1. Set the environment variables for running OpenStack nova.
      # source ~/openrc

    2. Verify the appliance image is available in the image repository.
      # nova image-list
      | ID                                   | Name          | Status | Server | 
      | 9ec1d9ec-2df9-44f6-938c-2533a4d48859 | isva          | ACTIVE |        | 

    3. Issue the nova boot command to start a new instance of the appliance image.
      nova boot --image isva --flavor m1.medium isva

    4. Monitor the status of the new instance using the nova list command.

        # nova list 
        | ID                                   | Name               | Status | Networks           | 
        | 43f3e09c-a64d-4e11-8827-2d354be3d625 | my-isva-appliance  | ACTIVE | public= | 

    5. The appliance is now started and the local management interface and web services interfaces are listening on the given IP address.

  5. After the machine is running in the OpenStack KVM environment, we can import it into Cloud Orchestrator.

    1. Log in to the Cloud Orchestrator management web UI.
    2. Go to Configuration > Hypervisors.
    3. Locate the hypervisor where the appliance is running.
    4. Expand the virtual machines section and locate the appliance image.

    5. Select Manage > Import the Virtual Machine.

The appliance virtual machine is now visible in the Cloud Orchestrator UI on the Instances > Virtual Machines page.

Parent topic: Virtual appliance tasks

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