Configure risk reports

The risk engine generates risk reports to analyze risk score calculation scenarios. The administrator can configure the riskEngine.reportsEnabled property and the riskEngine.reportsMaxStored property to enable the risk engine to store a specified number of these reports.

The following properties are necessary for the generation of risk reports:

To configure the riskEngine.reportsEnabled property, complete the following steps.


  1. Log in to the local management interface.

  2. Click AAC > Global Settings > Advanced Configuration.

    • Configure the riskEngine.reportsEnabled property

      1. Under Key, find riskEngine.reportsEnabled.

      2. Click the edit button.

      3. Complete one of the following actions:

          Enable risk reporting

          1. Select the Enabled box.

          2. Click Save. Enabling risk reporting sets the riskEngine.reportsEnabled property to true.

          Disable risk reporting

          1. Clear the Enabled box.

          2. Click Save. Disabling risk reporting sets the riskEngine.reportsEnabled property to false.

    • Configure the riskEngine.reportsMaxStored property

      1. Under Key, find riskEngine.reportsMaxStored.

      2. Click the edit button.

      3. Specify the number of reports for the risk engine to store.

      4. Click Save.

Parent topic: Risk management overview

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