Manage federation partner templates

Use the Federation Partner Templates management page to see the current version of the templates on the appliance and update the templates to a new version.

Federation partner templates are designed to simplify the configuration of federations within the appliance. These templates contain partner definitions to assist with establishment federations to well-known partners.

When you activate the Federation Module, the federation partner templates package that was included in the firmware is automatically applied. We can also update the existing templates to a new version by importing a new templates package into the appliance.

In a cluster environment, after importing a new templates package into the primary node appliance, the update is automatically applied to non-primary nodes. Templates package update is possible from the primary node only.


  1. Log in to the local management interface.

  2. Select Federation > Global Settings > Partner Templates. The version number of the current federation partner templates and the installation date are displayed.

  3. To update the templates, click Import.

  4. Click Browse and then select the new templates package file.

  5. Click Import to upload the selected templates package file to the appliance.

  6. Deploy the changes.

Parent topic: Federation administration