Configure application database settings
Configure auto updating and feedback for application databases. Application databases store classifications for web applications and websites.
To receive updates to application and IP reputation databases, we must enable auto updating. You cannot manually update application and IP reputation databases.
- Click System > Updates and Licensing > Application Database Settings.
- Enable or disable the following options for updating application databases:
- Auto Update
- Enable Feedback
The system classifies a URL as unknown if it is not listed in the application database. Enable the Feedback option to submit unknown URLs and statistics about web application matching to IBM®. IBM will classify unknown URLs and include them in a subsequent database update.
IBM uses statistics about matched web applications and actions to continuously improve the classification quality and match ratio for web applications. Feedback data does not include any personal or confidential information about the network.
- Enable or disable the following options for the IP reputation database:
- Auto Update
- Enable Feedback
Enable the feedback option to submit statistical data to IBM that can make your IP reputation classifications more accurate. This data does not include any personal or confidential information about the network.
- Include IP reputation info
Enable inclusion of IP reputation information in the security events. When disabled, the appliance does not perform IP reputation lookup for security events.
- Optional: If we use a proxy server, configure the following proxy settings:
Option Description Use Proxy Enables the appliance to use a proxy server for application databases. Server Address The IP address or DNS name of the proxy server. The Server Address field is displayed when we select the Use Proxy check box. Port Port number the proxy server uses to communicate with the update server. The Port field is displayed when we select the Use Proxy check box. Use Authentication Enables the appliance to authenticate to a proxy server. User Name User name required for authenticating to the proxy server. The User Name field is displayed when we select the Use Authentication check box. Password Password required for authenticating to the proxy server. The Password field is displayed when we select the Use Authentication check box.
Parent topic: System settings