RESTful web service PIP
When we add or modify a RESTful web service policy information point (PIP), we must specify its properties.
Connection properties
- Name
- A unique name for the policy information point. Use this name as the Issuer for the attributes that are returned by this policy information point.
- Description
- A description of the policy information point. (Optional)
- Type
- The type is RESTful Web Service. This field is read only.
- The URL for the RESTful web service that starts with http (plain-text) or https (secure HTTP). For example: can also dynamically create the URL using the attribute values in a request at run time. The attribute that we use must match the name field of that attribute. Attention: Do not use confuse the attribute name in the name field with the attribute identifier in the identifier field. Use the name matching the name in the name field. In the following example, the user name for the request is substituted in the URL at run time. The name of the attribute is username:{username}In the following example, the user name and IP address for the request are substituted in the URL at run time. The attribute names are username and ipAddress.{username}/{ipAddress}Attention: The server name in the URL value must match the cn= value in the SSL server certificate for the policy information point server. For the example, if the URL is, then the SSL server certificate value must be
Also, the cn= value in the server certificate must be the host name for the server, not the IP address.
Response Format The format of the response as requested by the service through the URL. Select XML, JSON, or Text. Media Type The Accept header in the request. The default values correspond with the response formats:
- application/json
- application/xml
- text/plain
However, we can use any MIME type to use.
Certificate Database If https is used on the RESTful web service URL, specify the key database for the server SSL certificate. For example, rt_profile_keys Client Authentication If we require client authentication, select the type of authentication and its appropriate properties.
- Basic Authentication
- An authentication method that uses a user name and a password.Attention: This property is valid only if the RESTful web service uses HTTPS.
- Client Certificate
- An authentication method that requires the client to present an SSL certificate. Specify the database that stores the certificate and the certificate label.Attention: This property is valid only if the RESTful web service uses HTTPS.
Attributes properties
- Attribute
- The attributes that are retrieved from a response and that can be used in a policy or risk score. The values are mapped to the associated attributes. We can use one or more attributes, and we can add, modify, or delete attributes. Attention:
- We must add the attributes to the appliance before we can use the attributes in this property.See the steps for adding an attribute in Manage attributes.
- Do not delete an attribute used in a policy or risk score.
- Selector
- XPath 1.0 expressions are supported for XML selectors. Any valid XPath expression is supported.
- Plain Text
- The plain text selector is a delimiter. The response from the web service can be a single value or list of values for an attribute. The selector specifies the character that separates the values. For example:
- The selector is a comma (,)
- The response from the web service is "LabA,LabB,LabC"
- The returned attribute has three values: LabA, LabB, and LabC
- If we specify None for the delimiter, the RESTful web service policy information point returns the entire response as the attribute's value. If we do not specify a delimiter, the appliance defaults to None.
- The JSON selector string. All attribute selectors must return either a primitive type or an array of primitive types. If the selector references complex types, a policy evaluation error occurs, and access to the system is denied.
JSON Selector format Description $.x Returns the value for the property that is named x in the JSON object. Example: {"name": "Bill", "loan": {"amount":100, "rate":0.15, "duration":60}, "accounts":[10000, 2000, 500]}$.name returns 'Bill'.$.x....z Returns the value for the property within a nested JSON object. Example: {"name": "Bill", "loan": {"amount":100, "rate":0.15, "duration":60}, "accounts":[10000, 2000, 500]}$.loan.amount returns 100.$.x[*] Returns the array found at the specified property. Example: {"name": "Bill", "loan": {"amount":100, "rate":0.15, "duration":60}, "accounts":[10000, 2000, 500]}$.accounts[*] returns [10000, 2000, 500]. The attribute is multivalued with each object in the array as a value.$.[*] Returns an array that is contained in the JSON response. The attribute is multivalued with each object in the array as a value. Example: If the data is ["joe", "bob", "ted"] , $.[*] returns ["joe", "bob", "ted"]
$.[x] Returns a value from a JSON array index, where $.[x] represents the index on the array of the value we want to return. Example: If the data is ["joe", "bob", "ted"] , $.[1] returns ["bob"]
$.[*].x Returns values from a property within an array of JSON objects. Example: If the data is
[ {"name":"joe", "phone":"555-1212"}, {"name":"bill", "phone":"555-1213"}, {"name":"ted", "phone":"555-1214"}]$.[*].name returns ["joe", "bill", "ted"]
Cache Properties
- Cache size
- Maximum number of entries to keep in the cache
- Cache entry lifetime
- Lifetime of cache entries, in seconds.
Parent topic: Policy information points