RESTful web service PIP

When we add or modify a RESTful web service policy information point (PIP), we must specify its properties.

Connection properties

Attention: The server name in the URL value must match the cn= value in the SSL server certificate for the policy information point server. For the example, if the URL is, then the SSL server certificate value must be

Also, the cn= value in the server certificate must be the host name for the server, not the IP address.

Response Format
The format of the response as requested by the service through the URL. Select XML, JSON, or Text.

Media Type
The Accept header in the request. The default values correspond with the response formats:

  • application/json
  • application/xml
  • text/plain

However, we can use any MIME type to use.

Certificate Database
If https is used on the RESTful web service URL, specify the key database for the server SSL certificate. For example, rt_profile_keys

Client Authentication
If we require client authentication, select the type of authentication and its appropriate properties.

    Basic Authentication
    An authentication method that uses a user name and a password.Attention: This property is valid only if the RESTful web service uses HTTPS.

    Client Certificate
    An authentication method that requires the client to present an SSL certificate. Specify the database that stores the certificate and the certificate label.Attention: This property is valid only if the RESTful web service uses HTTPS.

Attributes properties

Cache Properties

Parent topic: Policy information points