Scenarios for adding and manipulating attributes

We can dynamically add attributes or manipulate the values of attributes for various purposes.

The following topics provide specific instructions to create or update the JavaScript file for dynamic attributes:

  1. Coding the dynamic.attributes.js file
  2. Updating and deploying the dynamic.attributes.js file

The following scenarios show examples of the data we can dynamically capture:

Create a attribute

In this scenario, we can create a device name attribute that a user can easily identify. While configuring a system that only has hybrid applications, we can gather a few more attributes while using the info.js active collection library. For example, if you combine three separate device attributes the client sends, we can uniquely identify the device. The attributes are:

Combining these attributes into a single attribute with a zero device weight results in a meaningful attribute name that used to display the device. We can accomplish this by providing a server-side JavaScript rule that runs when an attribute collection service request arrives.

Add the last risk score as a session attribute to be used by a third party

The risk score is a derived attribute using a combination of other attributes. It can be useful for third party authentication services.

In this scenario, we can implement a JavaScript rule that captures the current risk score and stores it as a session attribute. Later, when a third-party application is determining possible further action based on the current context, it can make a remote call to the attribute collection service using the REST API call to retrieve the sessions attributes, such as risk score.

Parent topic: Dynamic attributes