Database usage requirements
Advanced Access Control uses the runtime database to store user data such as the attributes with which users are associated. A range of storage space is available in the runtime database. The average size per user and the maximum size per user are based on the default settings:
- There are 10 devices per user, and each device has 30 attributes.
- Each user has one session at a time.
- There are 1,000 records of behavior data per user.
The administrator can configure custom database settings or use the default settings.
- Space requirements for average-length attributes
- 100 KB is the average amount of space per user in the runtime database. The database can use more than 100 KB of space per user and still run effectively. 100 KB is the suggested amount of space for the database to use per user because databases that use 100 KB per user:
- Allow context-based access to run effectively and efficiently.
- Prevent wasted space in the database.
- Do not use less than 100 KB of space per user. Databases that use less than 100 KB of space per user might run out of space. Databases that run out of space experience errors when context-based access runs.
- Space requirements for maximum-length attributes
- 3 MB is the maximum amount of space that is possible per user in the runtime database if every attribute uses 2,000 bytes. 2,000 bytes is the maximum amount of space that each attribute can use.
Parent topic: Runtime database