User profile schema LDAP attribute mapping
ISAM provides pre-defined mapping of SCIM attributes to commonly available LDAP attributes. This default mapping can be customized on the User Profile tab of the SCIM Configuration page. See User profile. SCIM attributes that are not mapped to an LDAP attribute are not shown when the user profile schema is queried. The following table shows the default user schema attribute mapping.
SCIM attribute LDAP attribute addresses[0].type == home addresses[0].formatted homePostalAddress addresses[1].type == work addresses[1].formatted postalAddress addresses[1].streetAddress street addresses[1].postalCode postalCode addresses[1].locality l addresses[1].region st displayName displayName emails[0].type == work emails[0].primary == true emails[0].value id Base64URLEncoded version of uid name.familyName sn name.givenName givenName password userPassword phoneNumbers[0].type == work phoneNumbers[0].primary == true phoneNumbers[0].value telephoneNumber phoneNumbers[1].type == home phoneNumbers[1].value homePhone phoneNumbers[2].type == mobile phoneNumbers[2].value mobile phoneNumbers[3].type == pager phoneNumbers[3].value pager preferredLanguage preferredLanguage title title userName cn, uid
- The multi-valued SCIM attributes (addresses, emails, and phone numbers) are not order-dependent and are shown here with array indices for illustrative purposes only.
- id is generated by the server based on the userName attribute when an account is created. If we are connecting the SCIM application to a user registry that is already populated with users, the id field is a Base64URLEncoded version of the uid field.
The following table shows the enterprise extension attribute mapping.
SCIM attribute LDAP attribute department departmentNumber employeeNumber employeeNumber manager.value manager organization o
The following attributes are not mapped by default:
- User schema
- active
x509Certificates- Enterprise user schema
- costCenter
Handling of multi-valued LDAP attributes
If an attribute in the SCIM schema is mapped to a multi-valued LDAP attribute, only the first of the multiple values that are provided by the LDAP server is returned.
Handling of multi-valued SCIM attributes
Some SCIM attributes, such as addresses, emails, and phone numbers contain multiple complex values. For these attributes, the returned value is an array where each array element is a sub attribute with a different type string. The type strings are mapped to fixed strings and as such the entire sub attribute is always returned, regardless of Whether other attributes such as value or primary are present.
Consider the following LDAP entry and corresponding SCIM JSON representation of an example user.
- LDAP representation
dn: cn=bjensen,dc=scim-users o: Universal Studios givenName: Barbara sn: Jensen street: 100 Universal City Plaza userPassword:: cGFzc3dvcmQ= departmentNumber: Tour Operations displayName: Bab Jensen mail: uid: bjensen objectClass: top objectClass: person objectClass: organizationalPerson objectClass: inetOrgPerson postalAddress:: MTAwIFVuaXZlcnNhbCBDaXR5IFBsYXphDQpIb2xseXdvb2QsIENBIDkxNjA4IF VTQQ== postalCode: 91608 title: Tour Guide cn: bjensen employeeNumber: 701984 l: Hollywood st: CA homePostalAddress:: NDU2IEhvbGx5d29vZCBCbHZkCkhvbGx5d29vZCwgQ0EgOTE2MDggVVNB telephoneNumber: 555-555-5555 mobile: 555-555-4444 homePhone: 555-555-3333 pager: 555-555-2222 preferredLanguage: en-US manager: cn=jsmithSCIM JSON representation { "addresses": [ { "formatted": "100 Universal City Plaza\r\nHollywood, CA 91608 USA", "locality": "Hollywood", "postalCode": "91608", "region": "CA", "streetAddress": "100 Universal City Plaza", "type": "work" }, { "formatted": "456 Hollywood Blvd\nHollywood, CA 91608 USA", "type": "home" } ], "displayName": "Bab Jensen", "emails": [ { "primary": true, "type": "work", "value": "" } ], "id": "YmplbnNlbg", "meta": { "location": "", "resourceType": "User" }, "name": { "familyName": "Jensen", "givenName": "Barbara" }, "phoneNumbers": [ { "primary": true, "type": "work", "value": "555-555-5555" }, { "primary": false, "type": "home", "value": "555-555-3333" }, { "primary": false, "type": "mobile", "value": "555-555-4444" }, { "primary": false, "type": "pager", "value": "555-555-2222" } ], "preferredLanguage": "en-US", "schemas": [ "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:User", "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User" ], "title": "Tour Guide", "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User": { "department": "Tour Operations", "employeeNumber": "701984", "manager": { "value": "cn=jsmith" }, "organization": "Universal Studios" }, "userName": "bjensen" }
Parent topic: User Self-Care with the SCIM API