View and update management SSL certificates

View and update the management SSL certificate details in the Management SSL Certificate page of the local management interface.

View the details of the current management SSL certificate

  1. Select System > System Settings > Management SSL Certificate.
  2. The details of the current management certificate are displayed.

Update the management SSL certificate

  1. Select System > System Settings > Management SSL Certificate.

  2. Select Update.

  3. Under Certificate File, click Browse.

  4. Browse to the directory containing the certificate container file and select the file. The certificate container file must be PKCS12 format (.p12 file) and can contain only a single certificate. We can generate this certificate on a server that hosts a certificate utility such as iKeyman. This certificate is used as the management SSL certificate.

  5. Click Open.

  6. Click Update.

    A message that indicates successful update is displayed. For the changes to take effect, they must be deployed.

Parent topic: System settings