Docker image for OpenLDAP support

The ibmcom/verify-access-openldap image extends the osixia/openldap Docker image by adding the ISAM "secAuthority=Default" schema and suffix to the registry. This image can be used to quickly build a user registry for use with ISAM.

Instructions on the use of the osixia/openldap Docker image can be found at:

Points to note

Some additional points to note about the extensions to the osixia/openldap Docker image include:

Additional environment variables

In addition to the standard osixia/openldap environment variables, the ibmcom/verify-access-openldap Docker image defines the following environment variables:

Name Description
LDAP_ENABLE_PORT_389 By default, the OpenLDAP server will only listen on the secure 636 port. If we want the OpenLDAP server to also listen on the unsecure389 port, this environment variable must be set to the value 'true'.


Quick start

To start a container with the defaults, execute the command:

However, a more complete command, which would specify the volumes, ports and standard environment variables, could be:


By default, the image will automatically generate a TLS certificate when the container is first started. The CN for the certificate is obtained from the container hostname.

To provide our own certificates, they should be made available to the container at initialization within the /container/service/slapd/assets/certs directory. The following files reside within this directory:

Filename Description
ldap.cert The server certificate to be used.
ldap.key Private key for the server certificate.
ca.crt Certificate for the trusted certificate authority, used to validate certificates that are presented to the LDAP server (aka mutual authentication).

To create our own self-signed server certificate, we can do so using OpenSSL. For example:


The Dockerfile and associated scripts are licensed under the Apache License 2.0 license.

Supported Docker versions

Community support

If we are a licensed IBM customer, we can request support through the official IBM support channel. However, IBM does not provide support for the official osixia/openldap Docker image.

Community support is also available for this image via the DeveloperWorks communities. Both DeveloperWorks Answers and the DeveloperWorks IBM Security Identity and Access Management Forum are vibrant communities.

Supported tags

Tag Purpose
latest The latest stable version.
V.R.M.F A particular release, of the format: {version}.{release}.{modfication}.{fixpack}. For example,

Parent topic: Docker support

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