Cluster architecture rules

Specify a primary master for the cluster. A node must be a registered member of the cluster before it can be promoted to a master. The only exception is the primary master when there are no other nodes in the cluster. Activate the product on the primary master of the cluster before any other node. If we use the internal runtime database in an Advanced Access Control-activated cluster, activate the Advanced Access Control-activated appliance on the secondary master before the other nodes. Ensure the product is activated on the masters before it is activated on any of the individual nodes in the cluster.

The primary and secondary masters of the cluster must be activated at the highest level of all the nodes in the cluster. If any node in the cluster is activated with ISAM base, the primary and secondary masters must also be activated with ISAM base. Similarly, if any node in the cluster is activated with Advanced Access Control, the primary and secondary masters must also be activated with Advanced Access Control. Activation levels are validated when:

We cannot specify a master without first specifying each of the prior masters. For example, specify the secondary master before we can specify a tertiary master. If we specify a secondary master, we must also specify the master external reference entity (ERE).

We can modify the cluster policy on the primary master only, unless we are promoting a local node to primary master in a disaster recovery situation.

Parent topic: Cluster configuration rules