Resource Access Policies

A resource access policy is the authorisation policy that can be applied to resource servers and/or resources. The underlying resource access policy is represented by an ACL and/or a POP. There are 5 different types of resource access policy that can be applied to a resource server or resource:

API Access Control has the capability of defining a custom policy that can be used for resource server or resource access control. The custom policy can define:

Any groups specified are added to an ACL where:

The credential attributes are specified as part of an attribute check like:

The attribute check is added to a POP where:

For example: A policy named "test" is created with the following groups:

and the following attribute checks:

This results in the creation of the ACL and the POP:

When the policy is used in an authorisation check for access to be granted:

  1. The user must be in at least one of the admin or privileged groups.
  2. The credential attributes must include:

    • AuthenticationLevel=2; AND
    • scope set as either usr:write OR usr:admin

For a description of the POP requires attribute, see Use credential attributes in authorization decisions .

Parent topic: Overview of the API Access Control