IBM Security Identity Manager virtual appliance dashboard displays notifications about snapshots

The IBM Security Identity Manager virtual appliance dashboard displays notifications that a snapshot is being applied.


Notifications about snapshots that are being applied are displayed by the IBM Security Identity Manager virtual appliance dashboard.

Resolving the problem

Snapshots might also change the network settings of the virtual appliance. When you apply a snapshot from the management interface of the virtual appliance, we are directed to a window. The window notifies you to go to the virtual appliance by using the IP or the host name that is specified in the snapshot.

If you log on to the virtual appliance while the snapshot process is in progress, in the Notifications widget, we might see a notification such as 'Snapshot is getting applied'. Since the snapshot process takes some time, wait until the process completes. Refresh the Notifications widget to retrieve the recent notifications.

Parent topic: Troubleshooting virtual appliance problems