A request fails because one or more values cannot be changed

If you submit a request to change a user, account, or service, the entire request fails if any single value cannot be changed.

A potential scenario that causes a failure includes two users using separate browsers, concurrently attempting to add or remove the same value.

A request can also fail when an inconsistent value that is not part of the current change task is already populated for one of the attributes in LDAP. For example, set the manager attribute of a person to a value similar to...

...in IBM Security Directory Integrator. Because all SDI-based changes are submitted to IBM Security Identity Manager with System as the requester, the change is accepted. However, if an administrator makes a change to the email address or any other field for the same person, the change user task fails until you manually correct the manager attribute in LDAP to a value such as...

Parent topic: Troubleshooting ISIM Server problems