Configure SSL for the directory server

Use an LDIF file to configure SSL on the directory server and to specify a secure port.

  1. If the directory server is not running, start the server. For example, on UNIX, type this command:
    /opt/IBM/ldap/V6.1/sbin/ibmslapd -I itimldap

    Where -I specifies the instance.

  2. Create an LDIF file, such as ssl.ldif, with the following data:
    dn: cn=SSL,cn=Configuration
    changetype: modify replace: ibm-slapdSslAuth
    ibm-slapdSslAuth: serverauth
    replace: ibm-slapdSecurity
    ibm-slapdSecurity: sslonly
    replace: ibm-slapdSslKeyDatabase
    ibm-slapdSslKeyDatabase: /certs/LDAPSERVER_TEST1234.kdb
    The empty lines that contain only the - (hyphen) character are required for LDIF file formatting.

    To change the secured port from the default port number 636, add these additional lines.

    replace: ibm-slapdSecurePort
    ibm-slapdSecurePort: 637

  3. Place the LDIF file in the following directory:
  4. Run the idsldapmodify command, which modifies the password policy by adding the LDIF file to the process.
    idsldapmodify -D cn=root -w passwd -i ssl.ldif

    Binds to the LDAP directory, which is cn=root in this example.

    Uses the passwd value, which is the directory server administrator password, as the password for authentication.

    Reads the entry modification information from an LDIF file instead of from standard input. In this example, the file is named ssl.ldif.

    A successful result produces a message similar to the following one.

    Operation 0 modifying entry cn=SSL,cn=Configuration
  5. Test the directory server to confirm that it is listening on the default secure port 636. Follow these steps:
    1. Stop the directory server. Type /opt/IBM/ldap/V6.1/sbin/ibmslapd -k:.
    2. Start the directory server. Type /opt/IBM/ldap/V6.1/sbin/ibmslapd -I itimldap.

      Where -I specifies the instance.

    3. Determine whether the directory server is listening on port 636. For example, display statistics for the network interface with the directory server by typing netstat -an |grep 636. A return message that indicates the port is listening might be this example:
      tcp    0   0*   LISTEN

Parent topic: Secure communication with supported middleware