SSO application - Enable authentication on a separate system with WebSEAL
Enabling authentication with WebSEAL eliminates the need for a separate password to access IBM Security Identity Manager..
- Configure ISIM for SSO with application server trust association interceptors and ISAM WebSEAL
- On the server where the SSO application is installed, configure a Trust Association Interceptor for the application security domain.
- Define a junction that points to the SSO application. For example,
server task default-webseald-tam60-server create -b supply -t tcp -s -j -e utf8_uri -c iv_creds -p 9080 -h /appserver
- Create an ACL that requires authenticated access to associate with the WebSEAL junction. For example,
pdadmin> acl create SSOAPP-ACL
- Grant access to the ACL. For example,
pdadmin> acl modify SSOAPP-ACL set group ITIM-Group Trx
acl modify SSOAPP-ACL set any-other T
acl modify SSOAPP-ACL set unauthenticated T
- Associate the WebSEAL junction to the ACLs. For example,
acl attach /WebSEAL/tam60-server-default/itimserver/itim_ws SSOAPP-ACL
Parent topic: Install on a separate system than where ISIM is installed