Building the SSO application

We can create the itim_ws.war file by using the build scripts in the /examples directory.

Before you compile the examples, the WAS_HOME environment variable must be set to the WebSphere Application Server home directory.

To build only the SSO application, specify sso_sample as the target when you build the examples. For example, when you issue the build sso_sample command on Windows operating systems, or the ./ sso_sample command on UNIX operating systems, it creates the itim_ws.war file..

You must re-create the itim_ws.war file if we change the source of the SSO application.

  1. Log in as a user in ISIM.

  2. Open a command prompt.

  3. Change directories to ITIM_HOME/extensions/RELEASE_VERSION/examples.

  4. Compile the source code. Type one of the following commands

    • On Windows operating systems

    • On UNIX operating systems
    The command compiles the Java classes into the following files.
    • ITIM_HOME/extensions/RELEASE_VERSION/lib/examples.jar
    • ITIM_HOME/extensions/RELEASE_VERSION/examples/self_care/itim_expi.war
    • ITIM_HOME/extensions/RELEASE_VERSION/examples/selfregistration/sr.war
    • ITIM_HOME/extensions/RELEASE_VERSION/examples/ws/SSOSample/itim_ws.war

Some examples require that the examples.jar file is available on the classpath of the application server. See Add the examples.jar file to the class path

Parent topic: IBM Security Identity Manager web services in a single sign-on environment