Launch the IBM Security Identity Governance home page from the Service Center

We can used IBM Security Identity Manager to create a task to launch the Security Identity Governance application home page from the Identity Service Center.

We must have administrative user permissions to perform this task.

To launch the Security Identity Governance home page from the Identity Service Center we must create a custom task and configure a view.

  1. Obtain the URL for the Security Identity Governance home page.

  2. Log on to the ISIM Console.

  3. Create a custom task

    1. Click Set System Security > Manage Views.

    2. Click Manage Custom Tasks.

    3. Click Create.

    4. Fill out the Create Custom Task form. Use the values provided in this table.

      Field Value
      Identifier prefix Preset as CUSTOM_
      Identifier suffix SIG
      Description Launch Identity Governance Application.
      URL The URL for the Identity Governance application that you obtained in step 1.
      Icon http://ip_address:port/itim/ui/custom/ui/images/Home-IdentityGovernce.png where

      Is the address of ISIM server.

      Is the HTTP or HTTPS port for the ISIM Web application.
      Header category CUSTOM_SIG
      Console Preset as Service Center.

      Select the check boxes for...

      • Show on home page
      • Start task in new window

    5. Click OK.

  4. Enable the new custom task in the ISIM views.

    1. Click Click Set System Security > Manage Views.

    2. Click Search

    3. Click the view to modify.

    4. Click Configure View.

    5. Scroll to Service Center and select the check box for Govern Access.

    6. Click OK.

  5. Log out of the Administrative console.

  6. Log on to the Identity Service Center to verify the task is displayed on the home page.

Launch the Security Identity Governance home page.

Parent topic: Identity Service Center scenarios