Approving an access request

The next step describes how to approve access requests in ISIM.

Ursula User requests access to a shared folder named Presentations. Michael Manager requires Judith to access this folder to update presentation material for the quarterly meetings that Chuck has with a manager. Chuck wants to approve this access request.

To approve an access request on a shared folder...

  1. Log in to the self-service user interface as user cmanager with password secret. Alternatively, we can log in to the administrative console user interface to do these activities.

  2. On the Home page, click Approve and Review Requests.

  3. Click the link labeled Manager Approval for Windows shared folder access.

  4. On the Review Request page, select the Approve action and click OK. Alternatively, add reviewer comments and click OK.

  5. Click the Home breadcrumb at the top to return to the Home page.

Parent topic: Approval of user requests