View request status in the Identity Service Center

View the status and details of requests that are submitted from the Identity Service Center..

  1. From the Identity Service Center Home page, click View Requests.
  2. Use the search and sort options to limit the amount of request information that is displayed.
  3. To view the details of the individual accesses, click the View Details. The View Request Status Details page opens.

    We can also view the details about the access requests that are submitted after you edit or delete accesses. By default, the requests on the page are sorted in an order such as Pending, Not fulfilled, and Fulfilled.

    In the Request Details section, you can view status of the individual access request. The Information Provided with the Request section displays a read-only copy of the information that you supplied on the Provide Required Information page when you submitted the request. We cannot change this information.

    The Activities and Decisions section indicates any pending actions that must be taken, such as approvals. It lists the approval status, approver name, and comments added by the approver.

If necessary, proceed with the other tasks such as request more accesses, edit, or delete accesses.

Parent topic: View requests in the Identity Service Center