Sort in the Identity Service Center
The Identity Service Center Select user page displays the list of employee cards that the logged-in user is authorized to view. The person card displays the employee picture, if available, name, email address, and title. The contents can also be customized.
- From the Select user page menu, search for a user. Whatever you enter in the text box is matched against the name, email or title of the person.
Search results depend on whether the entry is found in the system.
- Enter the text in the Search field, and click Enter.
The list of employee cards can be sorted by name, mail, or title in the ascending or descending order.
- Locate Sort By. Click Name, Mail, or Title. The order of the employee card list changes. Click the name again if to sort the list in another order. For left-to-right text orientation, such as English or French, the Sort By link is on the upper right of the screen. For right-to-left text orientation, for example, Hebrew or Arabic, the Sort By link is on the upper left of the screen.
Parent topic: Identity Service Center scenarios