Activities and Decisions
We can view and act on the activities that are assigned to you.
The page displays pending activities. The activities are sorted by due date. Any activities that are due within 24 hours are marked with a stop watch icon.
We can choose to view the activities in these two types of views: Summary and Detail. The default view of the activities is the Summary view. To switch the view, select Detail from the View Option drop-down list.
We can also sort the activities by the person that the activity is requested for. The activities are displayed in alphabetical order according to the person's name. We can sort the activities in either ascending or descending order..
If we are assigned many requests, they are displayed on multiple pages. The default setting is 25 requests per page..
To locate a request, type a name or word string to find in the search field and then click the search icon. We can also click a category from the quick search options. The quick search options are filters that help to narrow your search. We can apply subsequent quick search options to further narrow you search results. We can also use a string search in addition to quick search categories.
If an activity has a lock icon, it means that another assigned participant chose to work on the activity and locked it. We cannot act on it.
Escalated items are highlighted for your attention.
When you open the page, the first activity that you can act on from the Identity Service Center is automatically expanded for you.
We can select and act upon individual activities or you can click Select Multiple to act on several activities at the same time.
The Select Multiple option is only available for work order and decision based activities. For example, approvals, separation of duty violations, and simple user re-certifications. You must individually choose and work on Request for information and Compliance alert type of activities.
When we select a decision based activity, you can approve or reject it. We can also go to the View Details to review the request information and act on the request..
When we select a work order activity, you can select successful, warning, or failure. Select Successful if you completed the work order. Depending on how the workflow is configured, the work order either completes or proceeds to the next step. Select Warning if the work order is only partially complete. Select Failure if you cannot complete the work order.
When we select a request for information activity, you can provide additional information for the request and submit it.
When we select a compliance alert, you can either defer it or correct the non-compliance.
For an approval activity, a request might have dependent accesses. We can view the information about the dependent accesses by clicking the information icon associated with the request. If the current activity is an approval, the dependent accesses are automatically granted to the user. If you reject the activity, the dependent accesses are not granted to the user.
If the activity is for a user re-certification where you must specify review actions instead of simple decision actions, user re-certification details are displayed.
- Quick Search for My Activities
Quick search categories help you to narrow the scope of your search so that you can locate the request to view and act on.Parent topic: Service Center for Managers and Administrators
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