Support for corporate regulatory compliance

Compliance areas

Security Identity Manager addresses corporate regulatory compliance in the following key areas:

Provisioning and the approval workflow process

ISIM provides support for provisioning, for user accounts and for access to various resources. Implemented within a suite of security products, ISIM plays a key role to ensure that resources are provisioned only to authorized persons. ISIM safeguards the accuracy and completeness of information processing methods and granting authorized users access to information and associated assets. ISIM provides an integrated software solution for managing the provisioning of services, applications, and controls to employees, business partners, suppliers, and others associated with your organization across platforms, organizations, and geographies. You can use its provisioning features to control the setup and maintenance of user access to system and account creation on a managed resource.

At its highest level, an identity management solution automates and centralizes the process of provisioning resources. The solution includes operating systems and applications, and people in, or affiliated with, an organization. Organizational structure can be altered to accommodate the provisioning policies and procedures. However, the organization tree used for provisioning resources does not necessarily reflect the managerial structure of an organization. Administrators at all levels can use standardized procedures for managing user credentials. Some levels of administration can be reduced or eliminated, depending on the breadth of the provisioning management solution. Furthermore, you can securely distribute administration capabilities, manually or automatically, among various organizations.

The approval process can be associated with different types of provisioning requests, including account and access provisioning requests. Lifecycle operations can also be customized to incorporate the approval process.

Models for provisioning

Depending on business needs, ISIM provides alternatives to provision resources to authorized users on request-based, role-based, or hybrid models.

Approval workflows

Account and access request workflows are started during account and access provisioning. You typically use account and access request workflows to define approval workflows for account and access provisioning.

Account request workflows provide a decision-based process to determine whether the entitlement provided by a provisioning policy is granted. The entitlement provided by a provisioning policy specifies the account request workflow that applies to the set of users in the provisioning policy membership. Multiple provisioning policies might apply to the same user for the same service target. There might also be different account request workflows in each provisioning policy. The account request workflow for the user is based on the priority of the provisioning policy. If a provisioning policy has no associated workflow and the policy grants an account entitlement, the operations that are related to the request run immediately. For example, an operation might add an account.

However, if a provisioning policy has an associated workflow, that workflow runs before the policy grants the entitlement. If the workflow returns a result of Approved, the policy grants the entitlement. If the workflow has a result of Rejected, the entitlement is not granted. For example, a workflow might require a manager's approval. Until the approval is submitted and the workflow completes, the account is not provisioned. When you design a workflow, consider the intent of the provisioning policy and the purpose of the entitlement itself.


ISIM provides audit trail information about how and why a user has access. On a request basis, ISIM provides a process to grant, modify, and remove access to resources throughout a business. The process provides an effective audit trail with automated reports.

The steps involved in the process, including approval and provisioning of accounts, are logged in the request audit trail. Corresponding audit events are generated in the database for audit reports. User and Account lifecycle management events, including account and access changes, recertification, and compliance violation alerts, are also logged in the audit trail.

Enhanced compliance status

Password policy and password compliance

Use ISIM to create and manage password policies. password policy defines the password strength rules used to determine whether a new password is valid. A password strength rule is a rule to which a password must conform. For example, password strength rules might specify that the minimum number of characters of a password must be five. The rule might specify that the maximum number of characters must be 10.

The ISIM administrator can also create new rules to be used in password policies.

If password synchronization is enabled, the administrator must ensure that password policies do not have any conflicting password strength rules. When password synchronization is enabled, ISIM combines policies for all accounts that are owned by the user to determine the password to be used. If conflicts between password policies occur, the password might not be set.

Provisioning policy and policy enforcement

A provisioning policy grants access to many types of managed resources, such as ISIM server, Windows NT servers, and Solaris servers.

Provisioning policy parameters help system administrators define the attribute values that are required and the values that are allowed.

Policy enforcement is the manner in which ISIM allows or disallows accounts that violate provisioning policies.

You can specify one of the following policy enforcement actions to occur for an account that has a noncompliant attribute.

Recertification policy and process

A recertification policy includes activities to ensure that users provide confirmation that they have a valid, ongoing need for the target type specified (user, account, and access). The policy defines how frequently users must validate an ongoing need. Additionally, the policy defines the operation that occurs if the recipient declines or does not respond to the recertification request. ISIM supports recertification policies that use a set of notifications to initiate the workflow activities that are involved in the recertification process. Depending on the user response, a recertification policy can mark a user's roles, accounts, groups, or accesses as recertified. The policy can suspend or delete an account, or delete a role, group, or access.

Audits that are specific to recertification are created for use by several reports that are related to recertification:


Security administrators, auditors, managers, and service owners in your organization can use one or more of the following reports to control and support corporate regulatory compliance:

All reports are available to all users when the appropriate access controls are configured. However, certain reports are designed specifically for certain types of users.