Launch the appliance AMI
Launch an instance of the appliance AMI to run the appliance in Amazon EC2.
Follow these steps to manually launch an instance of the appliance AMI with the Amazon EC2 console.
- Log in to the Amazon EC2 console.
- Go to INSTANCES > Instances > Launch Instance.
- Select ISIM AMI to launch.
- Click Launch.
- In the Choose an Instance Type window, select an instance type and click Next: Configure Instance Details.
- In the Configure Instance Details window, select the options that best fit the environment and click Next: Add Storage.
- In the Add Storage window, validate the storage and click Next: Tag Instance.
- In the Tag Instance window, add any desired tags and then click Click Next: Configure Security Group.
- In the Configure Security Group window, ensure that the selected security group allows inbound SSH and HTTPS access to the appliance. Restrict the access to only those IP addresses from which the appliance is administered. Click Review and Launch.
- Review the details in the Review Instance window and click Launch.
- In the Select an existing key pair or Create a new key pair window, we can opt to Proceed without a key pair. Check the acknowledgment check box. Click Launch Instances to proceed. We do not need to associate a key pair with the instance. To log on to the console of the launched instance, log on as the admin user.
- Click NETWORK & SECURITY > Network Interfaces.
- Click Create Network Interface.
- On the Create Network Interface window, select a subnet and an appropriate security group. Since ISIM requires 3 network interface cards, we must create another network interface.Only two interfaces are needed for normal operations: M.1 and P.1. The M.2 interface is used for high availability.
By default, only one network interface is created with every instance. This interface is the primary interface, which cannot be removed from the instance.
- First interface (eth0)
- M.1 is the first management interface (LMI)
- Second interface (eth1)
- M.2 is the second management interface (LMI). It is used for high availability.
- Third interface (eth2)
- P.1 is the first application interface for the ISIM application.
- Select a network interface. Right-click the interface and click Change > Source/Dest.Check > Disable. Repeat this step for all the interfaces.
- Select the appliance instance and complete these steps.
- Right-click the appliance instance.
- Select Instance State > Stop.
- Right-click the appliance instance.
- Select Networking > Attach Network Interface. Similarly, attach another network interface and start the instance.
- Go to INSTANCES > Instances to check the status of the appliance instance.
Parent topic: Amazon EC2 support