Manually tuning the IBM Security Directory Server database

We can manually tune the performance of the DB2 instance that IBM Security Directory Server uses.

Ensure that a DB2 database is installed and configured on the system

  1. Open a DB2 command window.

  2. In the DB2 command window, enter these commands to tune the IBM Security Directory Server database instance:
    db2 connect to itds_dbname user itds_dbadmin_name using itds_dbadmin_password
    db2 alter bufferpool IBMDEFAULTBP size automatic
    db2 alter bufferpool ldapbp size automatic
    db2 update db cfg for itds_dbname using logsecond 12
    db2 update db cfg for itds_dbname using logfilsiz 10000
    db2 update db cfg for itds_dbname using database_memory itds_dbmemory
    db2 disconnect current

    The value of itim_dbname is a name such as itimdb. The value of itim_dbmemory is 40000 for a single-server installation, COMPUTED for all platforms except AIX and Windows. For AIX and Windows, the value is AUTOMATIC. For more information about performance parameter tuning for DB2, see Security Identity Manager Performance Tuning Guide.

  3. Stop and start the DB2 server to reset the configuration. After we have reset the configuration, stop and start the DB2 server to allow the changes to take effect. Enter the following commands:

    If entering db2stop fails and the database remains active, enter db2 force application all to deactivate the database. Enter db2stop again.

Install and configure another component.

Parent topic: IBM Security Directory Server configuration


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