Backing up a primary node from the initial configuration wizard
We can back up a primary node using the web user interface to get the virtual appliance working. We can configure the virtual appliance by doing the initial configuration tasks from the initial configuration wizard.
A primary node must exist in the cluster before you back up a node to recover from any problems with the virtual appliance.
In a web browser, log on to the initial configuration wizard from the web user interface after completing the virtual appliance logon configuration. Complete the virtual appliance setup tasks from either the command line or the IBM Security Identity Manager virtual appliance management user interface.Use the Set up a backup of the primary node for ISIM cluster option to back up the node. The backup node helps the administrator to recover from any primary node failures or disasters. Recover to a new primary node with the same configurations and customizations as the earlier primary node using the following steps:
- Apply a snapshot of the primary node on the backup node.
- Download the primary node snapshot from the backup node.
- Create a IBM Security Identity Manager virtual appliance system with the same details as the earlier primary node.
- During the IBM Security Identity Manager virtual appliance installation, select the option to set the system as the primary node. Do not configure any mode selections or appliance interface configurations.
- Apply the snapshot using the snapshot option that is available on the left pane of the configuration page.
- In the Connect to Primary tab of the Setup Progress page, provide the details of the primary node.
- Enter the host name in the Primary node host name field. For example,
The primary node host name must be same that was used to create the Primary virtual appliance host name.
- Enter the user ID in the Primary node administrator field. The user ID must be the same ID that we used to log on to the IBM Security Identity Manager virtual appliance For example, admin.
- Enter the password in the Primary node administrator password field. For example, admin.
- Optional: Click Change Schedule to set the time interval for the backup. The default schedule is for one time in a week. In the Set Time Interval window, do these steps.
- From the Quick Schedule list, select one of these options.
- Daily
- This option sets the schedule for a daily backup of the node.
- Weekly
- This option sets the schedule for a weekly backup of the node.
- Monthly
- This option sets the schedule for a monthly backup of the node.
- Custom
- By default, the Custom option sets the schedule daily at 0000 hours. We can also manually set up a schedule to back it up. Do these steps:
Click Save Configuration.
- From the Hour of day option, set the hour. For example, 8.
- From the Day interval option, set the interval. For example, 1.
- From the Days of week option, select one or more days in the week. For example, Mon. If we select one or more days in a week, an extra backup is taken on those specified days.
- Click Complete.
The primary node details are verified. An initial snapshot is created and downloaded from the primary node after the verification is successful. The next set of snapshots is created automatically according to the specified time interval.
The system notifies that the backup of the primary node is complete. You are then redirected to the Snapshots page.
Manage the snapshots. See Manage the snapshots.
Parent topic: Set up the virtual appliance