Set up an ISIM member node from the initial configuration wizard

The initial configuration tasks for IBM Security Identity Manager are done in the initial configuration wizard by using the web user interface to get the virtual appliance started. The initial configuration wizard configures the virtual appliance.

Configure the initial virtual appliance settings.

In a web browser, log on to the initial configuration wizard from the web user interface after completing the virtual appliance logon configuration. Complete the virtual appliance setup tasks from either the command line or ISIM virtual appliance management user interface. Use the Set up a member node for ISIM cluster option to set up a member node. We can set up only one member node at a time. Do not set up another member node when one member node setup is in progress.

  1. In the Connect to Primary tab of the Setup Progress page, provide the details of the primary node.

    1. Type the host name in the Primary node host name field. This host name must be the fully qualified domain name. For example, The primary node host name must be same that was used to create the primary virtual appliance host name.

    2. Type the user ID in the Primary node administrator field.

      The user ID must be the same ID that we used to log on to ISIM virtual appliance For example, admin.

    3. Type the password in the Primary node administrator password field. For example, admin.

  2. Click Test Connection to validate the details and to verify this connection of the member node with the primary node.

    The system notifies we that the connection to the primary node was successful. If you modified any of the parameters in the Advanced Tuning Parameters panel for the Primary node, ensure that the same modifications are also applied to the member node before completing any other steps.

  3. Click Next page.

    The Application Interfaces Configuration tab is displayed. The Next page button is activated only when the connection to the primary node is successful.

  4. From the Application Interfaces Configuration page, configure the application interfaces.

    • We can create only one application interface. Use a unique application interface across the cluster.
    • Make sure that we configure the management interface and the application interface in the same subnet.

  5. Click Next page.

    The Completion tab is displayed.

  6. Click Fetch Configuration to obtain configuration details from the primary node.

    A progress bar indicates about fetching the configuration details from the primary node. The Start Configuration button is activated only when the Fetch Configuration operation is completed successfully.

  7. Optional: To review or edit the data in the Connect to Primary tab, click Previous page.
  8. Click Start Configuration to start the initial configuration for ISIM virtual appliance. The Completion page displays the data synchronization process. Do one of these actions:

    • If the configuration is successful, a message indicates to restart ISIM virtual appliance.

    • If the configuration is not complete or not successful, a message indicates the reason. Do one of the following actions:

      • Click View logs link to open the Log Retrieval and Configuration page and check for any messages and errors in the log files.

      • Click the Click here link to restart the configuration process in case of failures.

Parent topic: Set up the virtual appliance