Install ISIM virtual appliance

Install ISIM virtual appliance after setting up the virtual machine.

  1. When starting the virtual machine for the first time, press enter to continue with ISIM virtual appliance installation.

  2. Select the language to use during the installation. For example, specify 1 for English.

  3. Enter as yes to proceed with the firmware image installation process.

  4. When the installation process is complete, do these steps to unmount the installation media.

    1. Right-click on the virtual machine, and then select Edit Settings.

    2. On the Hardware tab of the Virtual Machine Properties window, select CD/DVD drive 1.

    3. Clear these device status option check boxes.
      • Connected
      • Connect at power on

  5. Click OK to close the Virtual Machine Properties window.

  6. Select Yes and click OK to confirm the installation media disconnection.

  7. Press the Enter key and then press any key to continue with the installation process.

Proceed with setting up the initial virtual appliance.

Parent topic: VMware support