Install the IBM DB2 database

Before we can use ISIM, configure the IBM DB2 Universal Database (DB2 ). The configuration steps create a database for later use by ISIM Server installation program. The installation program populates the database with data objects.

We can install DB2 on the same computer with ISIM or on a separate computer. Installing DB2 on the same computer requires the installation of a Java™ Database Connectivity driver (JDBC driver, type 4). A JDBC driver makes IBM Security Identity Manager communicate with the data source. Installing DB2 automatically installs the type 4 JDBC driver.

See Hardware and software requirements.

DB2 installation

Important: IBM Security Identity Manager might require DB2 to run with a required level of the DB2 fix pack. Always check ISIM software product compatibility report for the latest updates to prerequisites and minimum supported level of fix packs for your DB2 version.

If we do not have a DB2 database server, we can install DB2 Enterprise Server Edition Version The IBM Security Identity Manager product package, that we can download from Passport Advantage Online, includes an activation key to download DB2 Enterprise Server Edition Version from Fix Central. After we download DB2 Enterprise Server Edition Version, see the DB2 product documentation for installation instructions.

For more information about installing DB2 and any fix packs, see the product documentation site for documentation that the database product provides..

User data

The DB2 installation requires specified some system data, such as the DB2 administrator user ID and password. The installation wizard provides both status reports and an initial verification activity.

User names and passwords on UNIX and Linux systems

The following table shows the default values that are created on UNIX and Linux systems. Record this information, which is required to configure the DB2 database that ISIM uses..

UNIX and Linux systems Description Value
DB2 administrator user ID and instance name The user ID used to connect to DB2 as the DB2 administrator and instance owner. db2admin If we do not use the middleware configuration utility, this value is db2inst1 by default.
DB2 instance password The password for the administrator user ID. A user-defined value.
DB2 instance home directory The home directory of the DB2 administrator and instance owner.
  • AIX : /home/db2admin
  • Linux: /home/db2admin
  • Linux for System z : /home/db2admin

User names and passwords on Windows systems

The following table shows the default values that are created on Windows systems.

Windows systems Description Value
DB2 instance name The name of the DB2 instance. db2admin DB2 defaults to an instance value of DB2.
Administrative user ID The user ID used to connect to DB2 as the DB2 administrator and instance owner. db2admin
Password The password for the administrator user ID. A user-defined value.
DB2 instance home directory The home directory of the DB2 administrator and instance owner. drive

For example, C.

Parent topic: Database installation and configuration
