The AUDIT_MGMT_PARTICIPANT table contains information about participants of manual activities. It includes extra audit data that is related to rows in the AUDIT_EVENT table for which the ITIM_EVENT_CATEGORY column contains the value ManualActivity. The AUDIT_MGMT_PARTICIPANT table contains the following columns.

Column name Column description Data type
EVENT_ID* Identifier that is assigned to this event. References AUDIT_EVENT (ID). Numeric
ROOT_WORKFLOW_PROCESS_ID* Identifier of the root workflow process for the manual activity to which the participant is assigned. Numeric
WORKFLOW_PROCESS_ID* Identifier of the workflow process for the manual activity to which the participant is assigned. Numeric
ACTIVITY_ID* Identifier of the activity. References AUDIT_MGMT_ACTIVITY (ID). Numeric
WORKITEM_ID* Identifier of the work item that represents the current participant assignments and the due date for the manual activity. Numeric
PERSON_NAME Name of the person who is a participant of the manual activity. Character (1000)
PERSON_DN Distinguished name of the person who is a participant of the manual activity. Character (1000)
ACCOUNT_USERID User ID of the IBM Security Identity Manager account that is a participant of the manual activity. Character (1000)
ACCOUNT_DN Distinguished name of the IBM Security Identity Manager that is a participant of the manual activity. Character (1000)
STATUS* Status of the assignment for the manual activity that is assigned to the participant.
Character (25)

* Indicates the column is required and not null. The AUDIT_MGMT_PARTICIPANT table contains multiple rows that have the same ACTIVITY_ID column value if there is more than one participant for the corresponding activity.The rows for a specific ACTIVITY_ID might change as the manual activity changes from one state to another:

Parent topic: Create manual activity event