Customize form templates

We can use the form designer applet to open form templates, which display required form elements, form element organization, and form element control type.

The form designer Java™ applet does not automatically close and clear from memory after starting. Complete and save any changes to a form template. To open a form template...

  1. Click Configure System > Design Forms.

  2. Choose either to open a file with the Java Web Start Launcher or save the file. Click OK. If you chose to save the file, locate the file and run it in the Java Web Start Launcher.The form designer applet is displayed.

  3. In the left pane, double-click the wanted category folder to display the object profiles for the entity type. Double-click the wanted object profile to open the template for that profile. The form template associated with the object profile is displayed in the middle pane.

The form template associated with the object profile is displayed in the middle pane.

We can select a form element and right-click to do various actions. Mouse over the icons on the top of the form to get hints about the function of the icon.


Parent topic: Form customization