Removing a customized form template from a service instance

We can remove a customized account form template from a service instance and restore the system account form.

Only individuals who are part of the administrator group can access this feature.

To remove a customized account form template...

  1. Click Manage Services. The Select a Service page is displayed.

  2. On the Select a Service page:

    1. Enter information about the service in the Search information field.

    2. In the Search by field, specify whether to search against services or business units.

    3. Select a service type from the Search type list.

    4. Select a status from the Status list, and then click Search. A list of services that matches the search criteria is displayed.

  3. In the Services table, click the icon (Context menu icon) next to the service to show the tasks that can be done on the service. Click Delete Custom Account Form. A confirmation page is displayed.

    • Click Delete to remove the customized form from the service instance.

    • Click Cancel to return to the Select Service page without removing the customized form.
    A message is displayed to indicate whether the account form was successfully deleted.

  4. Click Close to return to the Select Service page.

Perform additional service actions.

Parent topic: Customize account form templates for a service instance