Modify attribute properties

The form element properties section consists of two tabs, Format and Constraint. The Format tab lists all the formatting properties that might or might not be applicable, depending on the input control type defined for the element. Similarly, the Constraint tab lists all available constraints that might or might not be applicable to the input control type defined. If a property or constraint is not applicable, we cannot select or set a value.

Only individuals who are part of the administrator group can access this feature.

The form designer Java™ applet does not automatically close and clear from memory after starting. Complete and save any changes to a form template.

To modify the properties of an attribute...

  1. Click Manage Services. The Select a Service page is displayed.

  2. On the Select a Service page:

    1. Enter information about the service in the Search information field.

    2. In the Search by field, specify whether to search against services or business units.

    3. Select a service type from the Search type list.

    4. Select a status from the Status list, and then click Search. A list of services that matches the search criteria is displayed.

  3. In the Services table, click the icon (Context menu icon) next to the service to show the tasks that can be done on the service. Click Customize Account Form.

  4. Choose either to open a file with the Java Web Start Launcher or save the file. Click OK. If you chose to save the file, locate the file and run it in the Java Web Start Launcher.The form designer applet is started. The form template associated with the service instance is displayed.

  5. Select the attribute for which to modify properties. The properties of the attribute are displayed in the Properties pane.

  6. In the Format tab, change the property to the wanted value. The new property value is displayed, and the changes are reflected in the attribute.

  7. In the Constraint tab, select the check box next to the constraint to modify.

  8. Enter parameters for any value constraint types.

  9. Enter a sample value in the field at the bottom of the list of constraint types.

  10. Click the Validate and Update Constraints button.Validate and Update Constraints button The form designer applet notifies you if a conflict between constraints exists. Alternatively, a Pass message is displayed if the value entered is valid according to the constraints used, and if none of the constraints conflict with each other.

  11. Click Form > Save Form Template, and then click OK when a message is displayed, indicating that the form template is saved successfully.

Continue modifying attributes as needed.

Parent topic: Customize account form templates for a service instance