Customize website layout

We can change the layout in the self-service user interface with customization.

High-level layout elements can be enabled and disabled from display in the self-service user interface with settings in the file. The default layout contains a banner, toolbar, and footer.

Turning on and off page elements can give various layout options. The only required page element is the content element, which contains the tasks and task pages.

To show or hide a page element, change the ui.layout.showname property in the file. For instance, ui.layout.showBanner controls the display of the banner section. Setting a property to true indicates that the element is included in the page. A setting of false indicates that the element is not included in the page.

Any change to the file requires a restart of ISIM application in the IBM Security Identity Manager virtual appliance to make the change effective. The following figures show a visual representation of different layout elements and options.

Figure 1. Layout elements
Layout elements
Figure 2. Layout options
Layout options
The following table displays a list of properties and their details.

Property Description
ui.layout.showBanner Controls the banner section. The default banner contains IBM and product images.
ui.layout.showFooter Controls the footer section. The default footer contains the product copyright.
ui.layout.showToolbar Controls the toolbar section. The default toolbar contains the welcome message, help link, logoff link, and breadcrumbs.
ui.layout.showNav Controls the Navigation bar. No default content is included for the navigation bar.

To customize the layout, complete the following steps.

  1. From the top level of the Appliance Dashboard, click Configure > Advanced Configuration > Update Property.

  2. From the All Files tab, select the property file
  3. Update the fields in the file.
  4. Restart the ISIM application to make the changes effective.

In a managed-cluster environment, we must wait until after the configuration is synchronized to the application servers in the cluster. See Synchronizing a member node with a primary node.

Parent topic: Self-service user interface customization