Customize footer content

We can change the appearance of the administrative console user interface by customizing the footer.

We can add or modify footer content to alter the appearance of the administrative console user interface.

The default footer area is defined in the file. The following property keys in the file define the footer and specify its visibility and height.

Property key Default value Description
ui.footer.isVisible no Specifies whether the footer is visible. By default the footer is disabled.
ui.footer.URL This value is left blank by default.

Location of the HTML or JSP file that provides the footer. We can enter a URL. Alternatively, put this file in the directories\itim_console.war\custom directory (if this directory does not exist, we must create it), and prefix the path name with /itim/console/custom in the file.

ui.footer.height 50 Enter the pixel height of the footer.

To modify these files...

  1. From the top level of the Appliance Dashboard, click Configure > Advanced Configuration > Update Property.

  2. From the All Files tab, select a property file

  3. Optional: Search for the property to modify.

  4. Select a property name. For example, ui.footer.height.

  5. Click Edit to open the Update property window.

  6. Edit the existing value in the Property value field with the new value.

  7. Click Save Configuration.
  8. Restart ISIM application for these changes to take effect.

    1. From the Server Control widget, do these steps.

      1. Select Security Identity Manager server.

      2. Click Restart.
      See View the Server Control widget.

Be sure to back up the custom version of the file we created so your customizations are not lost.

Parent topic: Administrative console user interface customization